Fell Dyke Primary School

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School Council

Welcome to our School Council!

At the heart of our school community is the School Council, a group dedicated to improving the school experience for every student. Our purpose is straightforward: to empower children with a voice, ensuring their thoughts and opinions actively shape our school environment.

Some projects the school council have contributed to include:

  • Creating the theme and planning activities for World Book Day and special events such as Children in Need.
  • Improving the look of our school library.
  • Choosing designs for our playground markings.

The School Council meets monthly, creating a dynamic forum where important issues concerning our school are discussed and debated. These meetings are more than just discussions; they are an opportunity for us to brainstorm, problem-solve, and implement changes that make our school a more enjoyable and effective place for learning.

Our Council is inclusive and representative, with elected members from every class spanning Year 2 to Year 6. Through them, every student has a direct line to express their views, share their concerns, and contribute to the decision-making process.

In line with our commitment to democracy, we ensure that every child in our school has the opportunity to vote when key decisions are made. This practice is not only about making choices but also about educating our students in democratic values, teaching them the importance and power of their vote and voice in a democratic society.

Our School Council is more than a body; it's a reflection of our commitment to inclusivity, respect, and pupil voice. It's a testament to our belief that every student has valuable insights and the right to be heard. Together, we are not just building a better school but fostering the skills and values that will enable our students to be thoughtful, active participants in their communities.