Fell Dyke Primary School

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Opening Hours

Compulsory school hours are shown for each part of our school below, to comply with the government's directive schools should be open for a minimum of 32.5 hours across a typical week.

These rules only apply to children of compulsory school age, which excludes nursery.

Reception and Key Stage One

The school day begins at 8.45am.

Children leave school at 3.15pm.

This is a total of 32.5 hours over a typical 5 day week.

Key Stage Two

The school day begins at 8.45am.

Children leave school at 3.20pm.

This is a total of just under 33 hours over a typical 5 day week.

A prompt start:

In our school, curriculum time begins at 8.45am. This is why we need children on site, ready to enter immediately when the doors open.

Anyone not already on site by 8.45am will need to report to the school office and their child will be marked as late. Please show respect to any member of school staff who directs you to do this.

Office Opening Hours

The school office is generally open from 8am to 4pm. If you call outside of this time, it is unlikely to be answered.

You can contact the office via Arbor or email at any time and may expect a response by the end of the next working day.